Upgrades and retrofits

Modernisations and upgrades ensure your fuel supply system optimum performance

As the marine supply chain continues to evolve, it’s vital to ensure that your fuel supply system continues to reach optimum performance through our advisory services. Auramarine continues to manage the development of its solutions, ensuring scalability and adaptability, as vessel operating conditions change. We are committed to always supporting our customers’ operations through the modernisation and upgrading of critical fuel supply equipment, which is increasingly important in light of the rapidly changing marine energy market for current and future fuels.

Our turn-key lifecycle solutions help meet the needs of the modern ship owner, especially when it comes to challenges such as tight project deadlines, less resources, supply chain issues, more complex vessel designs or budget restrictions. 

Maintain your fuel supply system's peak performance

Every ship is different from a technical, trading and operational perspective. However, for all modernisations some elements remain essential, namely cost-efficiency and short lead times from design to delivery.

Auramarine’s fuel supply units are renowned for their durability and long service life. As part of our offering, you can also upgrade your equipment to maintain peak performance in all stages of the system's Lifecycle. This could typically include cooler/heater installations, automation advances or fuel changeover solutions. Upgrade packages improve system longevity, reliability, fuel efficiency, engine performance and environmental protection. They can be delivered in parts or as modular solutions and with or without installation services.

Even if your original equipment is not from Auramarine, it pays off to contact us for a proposal.

With an increasingly changing fuel landscape and alternative fuel properties, investing in an expert review is vital when selecting fuel system components to ensure that the components meet the requirements of the viscosity, temperature and other properties of the fuel(s) in use.

Auramarine's engineers can review a ship's existing fuel supply system design and assess what kind of solutions would best serve the ship in the future.

Pumps, fox example, a mechanical pump coupling can be changed to magnetic coupling to eliminate pump leakage, for which the existing pump can be prone to if it is designed for a different viscosity.

Viscometers can be upgraded to a new model, or a damaged visometer can be replaced witha a modern one. Old generation viscometers have previously been adequate for measuring the viscosity ranges they were designed for. The introduction of new fuels can alter the measuring range and viscosity limits. With the new generation of viscometers, the system can be digitalised.

Fuel filter upgrades also benefit from a technical consultation in order to be able to consider the effects of issues such as catalytic fines. Along with the installation of additional filtration capacity, you can also benefit from our plug and play filter installation.

Auramarine drawings

One step away from the optimal

To get started, all we need from you is basic technical documentation for an appraisal of your fuel system’s design and its features. Based on these, we will outline our proposal for improvements. An on-board inspection report is then required prior to initiating the upgrade design. These can be submitted either by an experienced Auramarine engineer following a visit on board or by a chief engineer following detailed Auramarine instructions. The planning phase of an upgrade normally takes between one to two weeks and the update itself between a few days to two weeks, depending on the extent of the work. If required, Auramarine can arrange project co-ordination, delivery, assembly and installation on a turn-key basis.

To allow enough time for design and delivery, we recommend that you contact us at an early stage. However, we are always happy to meet urgent component requests from our stock supplies.

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Please do not hesitate to contact and send an email to our experts to after.sales@auramarine.com