Taking fuels at face value is no protection


However, shipowners and operators must increase the level of due diligence in this new post-IMO 2020 decarbonisation world. For example, while it is critical for shipowners and operators to engage with experts and seek counsel on the implementation of new fuel supply systems – or upgrading existing ones – they must also have a fundamental understanding of the specifications and quality of the fuel oil that they are purchasing. Ultimately the introduction of bad quality fuel, or fuels that fail to meet basic standards, can cause more frequent service intervals than typically required, and an increased need for daily maintenance resulting in increased operating costs for the shipowner or operator. In worst case scenarios, the introduction of low-quality fuel can lead to a significant increase of the kind of disturbances that can lead to engine failure To avoid such vessel downtime requires a fundamental, and attitudinal shift in the relationship with shipowners, moving to a more partnership- and strategically-driven approach.From the perspective of the fuel supply system, this is about looking at the lifecycle of both the technology and the vessel, where there is a focus on the total cost of ownership, rather than just a commoditised, granular focus on the initial installation and price of the system itself. This is managed by our LifeCycle services team that provide in-depth counsel and advice to our customers to ensure the safeguarding of operations at all stages of a vessel’s lifecycle. This includes implementing an integrated and strategic approach to managing spare parts in order to repair, modernise, and upgrade systems and components to ensure operational continuity.Ultimately, with the fragility of the current global economic climate and the shipping industry’s changing regulatory environment, in conjunction with managing a vastly transitioning marine energy supply chain, shipowners and operators are having to rapidly adapt. The technology to facilitate and help this process exists and it must go hand-in-hand with rigorous consultancy and advisory services. With the fuel quality issues that are being reported in the market, this is now the foundation to ensure the efficient, safe, cost-effective, and compliant movement of vessels, as well as the continuity of operations, both now and in the future.