CASE: Additional MGO boosters/feeders
Auxiliary engines
If a vessel - or any of its engines - fully transfers to using MGO, the fuel conditioning process is very different from when using HFO. An easy solution to facilitating a smooth transition lies in the installation of an additional MGO unit. The installation enables the functional change of any of the ship’s engines to run on MGO and ensures that the fuel properties fulfil the engine manufacturer’s requirements at the engine inlet. The same goes for cases where an additional, new auxiliary engine dedicated to MGO operation is installed.
A typical case is when one fuel supply unit has traditionally been supplying fuel to both main and auxiliary engines. However, in a situation where the vessel is in port and running solely on its auxiliary engine (MGO), the main engine does not consume fuel, as the auxiliary engine can provide the power needed during the port stay. A separate MGO unit for the auxiliary engine is therefore of great value as it simplifies the preparations for port calls saving both time, money and emissions.
Onboard power
Additional MGO units are also beneficial for diesel engines when generator engine capacity is increased to enable sufficient electric capacity and power for any increased onboard electricity consumption. This is especially prevalent on cruise vessels where diesel electric propulsion is more commonly used. Typical cases include; additional reefer container capacity and cargo hold ventilation, the need of which often increases simultaneously with the reefer capacity, or power required for crane operations. The vessel’s generator working loads vary during different operations, so additional MGO units providing more generator capacity can help to meet all the alternative requirements.
Additionally, if a vessel operates on HFO and uses an exhaust gas cleaning system at sea, an additional MGO unit will enable the vessel to sustain the power needed in port with its genset while shutting down the HFO and exhaust gas cleaning system.
Similarly, vessels with exhaust gas cleaning systems can also benefit from additional MGO units if the scrubber capacity is not enough for all the generator engines. For example, a proportion of the engines could be run with MGO /LSFO ensuring the vessel’s compliance at all times. They can also be useful during scrubber maintenance breaks, providing constant power generation whilst ensuring compliance with all regulations.
An existing unit running with HFO can also be modified by adding a cooler in order to maintain the fuel condition of MGO, i.e. cooling the fuel instead of heating it; the most cost-efficient solution dependent on the vessel engine, fuel supply system specifications and operating profile.
In summary, additional MGO units provide more flexibility and enable a vessel to always produce the power and propulsion required with alternative fuels.
How Auramarine can help
If you’re considering the installation of additional MGO units, contact our global team of experts for a technical review of your system, needs analysis and a solution that’s right for the specific demands of your fleet. Once the best solution is defined for you, Auramarine will update the technical documentation and arrange the approvals and documentation for classification. We can also provide project management support and commissioning if required, as well as providing ongoing support with our lifecycle services and spare parts services. By working with our team, we’ll ensure a thorough and expert analysis of your vessels’ fuel supply systems. And by recommending additional MGO capabilities, we will work to save you time and money, drive efficiencies into your operations and make sure that you always stay compliant.