Auramarine collaborates to help assess bio- and waste-based oils suitable for power plants and ships

Auramarine and a number of Finnish companies in fuel oil producers, users and equipment manufacturers are partnering with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. to explore bio- and waste-based oils.

Auramarine and a number of Finnish companies in fuel oil producers, users and equipment manufacturers are partnering with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. to explore bio- and waste-based oils.  Auramarine is an ideal partner in this project due to its over 45 years of expertise from fuel supply systems and its capabilities in designing fuel supply systems for a wide range of fuels, taking into account the fuel-specific requirements.

The BioFlex is a three-year collaborative project between Business Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the participating companies Auramarine, Fortum, Neste, Pohjanmaan Hyötyjätekuljetus, Polartek, St1, Valmet and Wärtsilä. It aims to bring together all available knowledge from this collaboration network to determine the most ecologically and economically sustainable way to replace fossil fuels.

“The use of bio-oils is still limited, mainly for cost and availability reasons, and I expect the project to address these factors. It is very important that the subject is researched together to identify all potential challenges throughout the manufacturing, distribution and consumption chain. Every effort must be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and bio-oils will play a significant role in this battle going forward”, says CTO Ilkka Rytkölä from Auramarine.

Read more about the project on VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland website or on Bioflex project website. 

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