Auramarine implementing efforts to curb COVID-19 spread


At Auramarine we are following closely the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and acting appropriately and in line with Government advice to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our team and clients and to limit the effects of the virus on our partners.

Commencing 16th March we have started to limit social contact following the guidance of the Finnish Government. This means that the majority of face-to-face meetings will be held remotely and most of our colleagues will be working from their homes.

We are pleased to advise that our production facility in Shanghai is now back to production and we have advised our customers of any possible delays as a result of the outbreak in Q1 this year.

To support our Lifecycle Services clients, we are also increasing our stock levels in order to mitigate any supply shortages.

The shipping industry will play a central role in delivering goods around the world and alleviating the impact of this global challenge; your smooth sailing is therefore our priority and our Aftersales team will continue to support you as usual and in any way we can through this current time.
There are currently strong recommendations from Governments to limit travelling which may affect some services and face-to-face interaction with clients. However, we are working with our local partners to find alternative ways of continuing hands-on local support.

We appreciate that the current pandemic will cause many challenges, but we are fully committed to helping all our customers and partners to weather this storm, and to come out stronger.

Yours sincerely,

Jouko Salo

CEO & Chairman, Auramarine Ltd.